Amazon Prime Service is a paid membership program operated by Amazon, the global No. 1 online shopping mall . A while ago, I summarized the price and benefits of Coupang Rocket Wow membership in a post. (Read more articles on Coupang Rocket Wow membership prices and benefits) To explain Amazon Prime service easily, you canthink of it as the Amazon version of Coupang Rocket Wow membership . Of course, the paid membership of the shopping mall is Amazon Prime service before Coupang Rocket Wow, and provides more various benefits.
With a variety of benefits not provided by other online shopping malls, ê½ë¨¸ë‹ˆ Amazon Prime is known to receive service benefits from 200 million members more info worldwide when looking at the results of the first quarter of 2021 . That's a huge number of members. Now, let's take a look at the benefits and costs of paid memberships, which are used by 200 million users around the world, and how to sign up and cancel for free.